Entrepreneur Personal Branding Photoshoot

I met Frenchell at The Bakey CoWork in Atlanta, GA, that is geared towards women entrepreneurs and business owners. She has a hair business and needed pictures for not only her personal branding, but also pictures for her business. She’d never had her headshots or personal branding pictures done so I was more than honored to shoot her for this special occasion as well as to launch her business! I wanted the pictures to show her personality and to do some pictures with a desk in the photos as well. You know the infamous branding pictures with your computer and behind the desk.

We also did some casual shots in another outfit that was both pink and white, but more casual and laid back to show another side of her that’s not just business oriented. It’s nice to showcase both sides of you so that people can see your personality shine through.

She had a few of her friend’s model for her, all having her extensions in to showcase the hair itself. She had models of different shapes, sizes and complexion which was great to have and see! Especially being that it is a hair brand, you would want to see the hair with different lengths and texture and she definitely made sure she showcased that!

The packaging looked as if they were shopping bags so I did a few pictures that looked like she was shopping. I thought it was so fun and different from other packaging, so I wanted to show off the packaging as well. The picture where she was holding the packaging like she was shopping, is probably my favorite picture from this photoshoot!